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Highland Junior
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Clubs & Activities

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
Advisor: Eileen Minton & Melanie Whitfield

NJHS is a student organization that is service-oriented. Membership is based on Grade Point Average and recommendations. The organization will complete various service-oriented activities throughout the year. For application information select NJHS Application. For additional information about NJHS at Highland Junior High, visit our website.


NJHS meets every Thursday during Advisory period in Room 217.

Student Council
Advisor: Maddie Crosby

Meets to support and makes plans for school events, spirit week and other activities throughout the school year. This class takes the place of an elective and students complete an application to join. 

W.E.B. (Where Everyone Belongs) WEB Crew/Leaders
Advisor: Cara Summerfield and Joan Proft

WEB Leaders is a leadership opportunity for 8th-grade students who are dedicated to serving and representing HJHS. They are asked to provide new students an introduction to HJHS by giving them a tour of the school, eating lunch with new students, introducing them to faculty and peers and sharing information about activities on campus.

Must submit an application. Process of electing future WEB Leaders and members begins after Spring Break.

Art Club
Advisor: Chandler Williams

The purpose of the art club is to provide students who have an interest in art, an opportunity to explore art and craft forms beyond what is offered in the curriculum. It allows students to work individually and in groups.

Meets Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30pm in Room 108.

Dino Club
Lissa Crowell

Are you interested in learning about Dinosaurs?  Dino Club we create model dinosaurs. Play dinosaur games, and learn about the history of dinosaurs.  Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of each month from 3:30pm-4:30pm in Room 318.

Dungeons and Dragons Club
Advisor: Dionne Leesley

The purpose of the Dungeons and Dragons Club will be to promote the generation of friendships and lasting gaming relationships here at HJHS.

Meeting Dates for 2024 --9/6, 9/20, 10/18, 11/1, 11/15, 11/22, & 12/6.

Meeting Dates for 2025 - 1/10, 1/24, 2/7, 2/21,3/28, 4/11, 4/25,  & 5/9.

 All meetings are held in the school library from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Hurricane Heroes
Advisor: Darla Knight

Hurricane Heroes is a club that fosters friendships between students with and without disabilities. This club will have monthly meetings to play games, share lunch and other activities and events.  (meetings TBA)

Rubik’s Cube Club
Advisor: Harlee Rozell

To bring friends and people together to learn to solve a variety of Rubik’s cubes. Bringing people together to have fun make friends and learn something new.   Meeting every Monday from 3:30pm-4:15pm in Room 203.

Swifty Club
Advisor: Lisa Lynch

To create friendships, have fun, and build community based on a common interest. To invite Hurricane Heros to make friendship bracelets. Pass out bracelets throughout the year.

Meet on Tuesdays (dates will vary, please listen to morning announcements). Meetings will be in Room 204 from 3:30PM-4:30PM.  

Tech Club
Advisor: Chris Lakso

Tech Club - Student-led projects in both the Tech Lab and Shop are designed and built by club members. Creativity is key. 3D Printing, woodworking, etc. are all possibilities!

Meets every Monday from 3:30-4:40 pm in Room 104. (First meeting Sept. 9, 2024 and last meeting May 5, 2025).